Quarterly Huts Update!

“Wow, Alaska Huts sounds great – how do I get involved?” That’s one of the most common questions I get from people who are just learning about the organization. I can rattle off a quick list in seconds—volunteer, come stay at Manitoba, check out our upcoming workshops —but we all know that following through takes a lot more time than that.
Luckily, this spring we have even more opportunities for you to get involved. First up, on May 20th we have our spring work weekend down at Manitoba Cabin. We will be doing a deep clean of the cabin—stacking firewood, getting everything ready for summer, and enjoying a campfire with friends. As our board member Laura described, this weekend is a great opportunity to get to know the Alaska Huts community while giving back.
We also have two workshops coming up in June! Jen Aist is back by popular demand with another round of Babes in the Woods (June 3rd-4th). We are also delighted to host Amy Seifert’s Wild Medicinal Plants workshop (June 9th-11th). These are two great opportunities to spend a summer weekend down at Manitoba and learn some valuable skills and we hope you’ll make it out!
In addition to workshops, this time of year gets us thinking about everyone who made the winter season so great! So, now as we come out hibernation we want to thank and celebrate all of you who took that step and got involved in our Alaska Huts community this past winter. Manitoba Cabin had its busiest winter ever, with more than 1,700 people spending the night. Whether it was your first trip down or your tenth, we are excited that our cabin in the woods got to be a part of your winter!
Lastly, we wanted to update you about our recent fundraiser, A Flannel Affair! We had a great event at the Tap Root featuring music from Blackwater Railroad Company. Thank you to everyone who came out to support our mission, and to all of the businesses who donated to the silent auction – with all of your support we raised over $7,000 that will go towards providing more recreation opportunities across Southcentral Alaska!
So for those of you have and will be involved with Huts, we look forward to the fun ahead and can’t wait to see you out there!
Tom Callahan
Executive Director